"I burnt one side of my face, and was worried the scar would never go!"
Shaziya's answer to fading stubborn scarring.
Retinol Night Cream
“I burned one side of my face with hot wax and was quite worried that the scar would never go away! But after consistently using BaseLift products, you would never have known it happened!”
Name: Shaziya
Skin Concerns: Scarring | Breakouts | Hyperpigmentation
Favourite Product: Retinol Night Cream
Daily Routine: Retinol Night Cream
Weekly Routine: Bentonite Oil-Eraser Clay
Shaziya took some time out of her ridiculously busy schedule to tell us everything about her skincare journey and her BaseLift experience. Shaziya works part time in a pharmacy and is in her second year of university. Between her studies and part-time job, she has what she describes as a “hectic schedule” with barely any time for herself. However, Shaziya points out that she enjoys being a busy bee and tries her best to balance her studies, socialising and part-time job.
“I only had the standard hormonal teenage acne flare up which I still slightly suffer from today. When you are young and going through the confusing phases of teenage-hood, skin concerns can feel like the end of the world. So, you pack makeup on to hide everything you don’t want to see, and don’t want others to see! And still get annoyed because your makeup does not set properly, or is not smooth because of the texture of your skin. It’s a never-ending cycle!”
Shaziya came across BaseLift on social media through an influencer. She has been using BaseLift products since April 2019 and swears by the Youth-Boosting Retinol Cream. She does a full BaseLift routine using all of her BaseLift products twice a week, and noticed that her hyperpigmentation and mild acne have immensely improved since. Shaziya believes in sticking to one skincare brand instead of mixing and matching.
“Less is more and medicinal, natural plants in products are a must!”
“BaseLift has done wonders to my skin- but what I really want to share with you all is the quick and effective repair the products have carried out on my skin after a waxing incident. I burnt one side of my face with hot wax and was worried that the scar would never go away! But after consistently using BaseLift products, you could not tell that it even happened. The images speak for themselves to be honest!”
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